Thursday, 27 September 2012

My Idol !!

As everyone have an idol in their life.
Same goes to me, my idol's is TUAN GURU NIK ABDUL AZIZ NIK MAT.

I would like  to choose him because  of his attitude and personality.
He is humble, nature, and  responsible, also transparent in running the government and the people of Kelantan.

He has been always in the heart of the people.

I admire most of his leadership qualities and is not afraid of opinion and truth.

May Allah bless him.

InsyaAllah.. Takbir...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

syawal are coming.!!!!!

pic mlam raye xde coz bru nk blek kmpg sorg2...cdeh jew
smpi2 je pkul dua pgi smue dh tdo..lg sdeh... 

pic pgi raye ad lh..

Ni bru 3fmly ad lg 3 fmly xde coz raye blah mentua.
stiap tahun ad je ank buah..
abis kering

bru blek dri ziarah kbur nnek blah ayah..

dgn fmly belah mak

raye kedua plak....

smlam kte raye rmah org aryni org plak raye kt umah kite

ad lg program lpas tu tp pic xde lh....

mlam jew trus men mercun.

Raye ktiga g umah nnek tiri

smpi sini dlu coz mse xde dh nk msuk clas...
Akhir kalam

selamat hari raye maaf zahir batin
klau ad salah n silap mhon maaf
klau ad htang Halal kn je.


Saturday, 4 August 2012

best friend

My friend name is ANWAR SHATIRI.
He was born 18thof august 1992
He live in subang.Hehas great hobby he likes to play video games.
He is a shy person.his favourite sports was futsal.
He loves to listen to slow music. He also speaks in english .he never  visit other countries.
Lastly he also has many admire.

1st fasting at kuis...hmmmmmmm

My first day on ramadhan in kuis we cooked  for our selves for us to eat during sahur.
Usually at home i dont cook just eat  my schedule in Ramadhan was so pact.
I had to go to class fro 8 am untill 6.30 pm .huuush..tired...!!
We had to buy food for iftar at bazar Ramadhan by walk.
When azan is called i will iftar with my friend after dusk-prayer muslim will perform ''terawih'' prayer by group at mosque.
after ''terawih'' prayer.muslim optionally recite the alquran

Ramadhan...yeyy huhu

                                                 Ramadhan is the most holy month for all muslims
muslim always waiting for this holy month becauese whoever doing good deeds on that month allah will give you good news for each of the good things you do.
from before dawn is a morning supper and not eat or drink after dawn and break fasting at dusk and after dusk-prayer muslim will perform ''terawih'' prayer by group at mosque.
after ''terawih'' prayer.muslim optionally recite the alquran

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Friday, 3 August 2012

history of muhammad

The History of Mohammad

The name of Muhammad in calligraphy
The name Mohammad in traditional Thuluth calligraphy
by the hand of Hattat Aziz Efendi
Less than one hundred years after Mohammad’s death in 632 the first Muslim historians began to write about his life. These were Muhammad ibn Ishaq (d. 767), Muhammad ibn ‘Umar al-Waqidi (d. c. 820); Muhammad ibn Sa’d (d. 845); and Abu Jarir at-Tabari (d. 923). These scholars reconstructed their narrative from oral traditions and early documents, and through their effort we know more about Mohammad than we do any other Prophet.
Nevertheless we need to keep in mind that the stories of Mohammad’s life were written to satisfy contemporary norms and included miraculous and legendary stories that might be misinterpreted today. As we have noted with the stories surrounding the Axial Sages, the Old Testament and the Gospels, such accounts are not to be taken literally. According to Reza Aslan they “function as prophetic topos: a conventional literacy theme that can be found in most mythologies. Like the infancy narratives in the Gospels, these stories are not intended to relate historical events, but to elucidate the mystery of the prophetic experience. They answer the questions: What does it mean to be a prophet? … It is not important whether the stories describing the childhood of Muhammad, Jesus or David are true. What is important is what these stories say about our prophets, our messiahs, our kings: that theirs is a holy and eternal vocation, established by God from the moment of creation.” (No god but God, The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Reza Aslan.)

What will i be after 10 years later??

After 10 years, I want to be a succesful businessman.
I want to start to open a cafe and soon i will have many outlets.
Futhermore,i also want to be Ustaz and Imam at mosque.
Iwant to become imam because want to look after my memorisation of Al-Quran and
hoping that Allah will never take away my memorisation of Al-Quran..


why did i choose Tahfiz Al-Quran cost??

I chosed this course because from i little i've been in a religious atmosphera.
When i grown up I decided to study more about Al-Quran in Tahfiz in Kelantan and
 continue my study at KUIS.
I've always wanted to be imam at mosque and wish to be like imams in Masjidilharam..


what do you know about malaysian????

Malaysia is a country with a famous touarism.Malaysia have a lot a places to visit.
tourist from other countries also like to visit intresting places in Malaysia such as Port Dickson,Pulau Kapas,Mount Nuang and etc.
me as a Malaysian also like to visit intresting places in Malaysia
Hope one day i can discover the hole in Malaysia.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Bout' me

Born Mohd Afif Sharif...the name given to me resulting from cooperation of my father and mother..hehe, not too smart looking but quite handsome for some ladies out there....wakakaka....interested in business but right know i'm looking forward to finish my study first..Diploma in Tahfiz al-Quran and al-Qiraat. why am i choosing this course??? coz, it's my dream to be a good muslim, not only to myself but also to my communities...also to my future proof that studying in religous field don't make us an extremist, an anti establishment and so on..for me, we can do almost long as we put Islam at first step..actually nothing much bout me to post here..let's be my friend, you will know me better..seeing is believing, right?...

Thursday, 14 June 2012

1st Assignment

About me

Happy go Lucky but sometime serious.
Like Football and gardening.
Sambal ..the MUST HAVE dishes ...with plain rice

No 7 from 8 sibling

تحدث عندما يكون ذلك ضروريا

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

What is BLOG !!!

CREATE YOUR OWN BLOG!! plz consider in English... alamak... blog? pernahla sesekali browse blog orang, tapi x pernah terfikir nak create blog sendiri..

Tiba..tiba  my first assingment... create your own blog...nak wat canne.. hantam saja la labu....

According to Wikipedia...
Blog is...
A Web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis.